Gloria Kliewer Roe is the most loving, caring and talented individual I’ve ever had the privilege to know. Throughout the challenges known as Life, we shared the most precious elements, love and respect. My sister Gloria dedicated her life of discipline and sacrifice to providing hope, guidance and assistance to others through her amazing artistry.
More than anything else, she was driven to empower young people to shape their own dreams and understandings of musical expression to their fullest capacity.
As she goes home, she leaves us much richer for having known her and experienced her unmatched passion for praising God in so many ways. With her strength and courage, Gloria cared for others through adversity and kept working to create otherworldly beauty and meaning with her amazing hands and voice…
Bridge Over Trouble Water
Fear Not
See The Light
We will keep her in our prayers, as she keeps us in her’s.
Thank you Gloria for all your work and amazing love…we will always be close, and you will always be loved. You’ve taught us so much.