
The following is a brief accounting of Frank’s work with others in innovating technology, government and real estate development. Frank is dedicated to staying current, expanding knowledge, and developing new skills to keep his clients well served.



Operations and General Manager with a successful track record of meeting serious challenges in stressful and demanding situations.

Real Estate Broker with a deep history of successful transactions in a wide variety of development areas.

Inspiring leader with a history of providing ever improving customer service programs and developing award-winning applications to enhance client services.

Project Manager consistently delivering mission critical applications in tight time frames.

Team Builder recognized for leading diverse groups in the delivery of community focused services, while improving cooperation between compartmentalized government agencies by realigning objectives.


  • Leadership
  • Collaborative Goal Achievement
  • Innovation
  • Team Building/Staff Mentoring
  • Cost Containment
  • On-Time Project Delivery
  • Performance Management
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Community Program Focus
  • Multi-Site Management
  • Contract Oversight
  • Advanced Computer Skills



  • Created and launched innovative economic development programs with improved community outreach to exceed stated goals and objectives
  • Developed cooperation between agencies competing for limited funds by aligning goals and sharing resources focused on achieving requirements of top officials
  • Managed major long-term multimillion dollar projects on time and under budget
  • Established and operated remote facilities providing public and private resources in successfully expediting the rebuilding of 3,000 urban properties
  • Led and managed diverse teams of staff members in developing application and network services deployment for a user base of over 5,000 employees
  • Created new apps as necessary to fulfill mission critical objectives and goals


  • Implemented performance management methodologies accomplishing higher production levels while encouraging staff advancement
  • Modified, updated, and taught emerging technology and innovation to graduate students ranging from highly technical managers to technically challenged individuals
  • Developed award-winning “Best of Web” implementations
  • Created and activated team-based support systems; greatly reducing failure rates, while improving community service delivery responsiveness and accountability


Consultant, Washington State & California 2003 ““ Present

Providing consulting services for people looking to maximize their success in developing important projects, particularly those needing government approval. Is Frank’s great pleasure to assist private businesses, individuals, and nonprofit organizations in navigating emerging business, technology and government opportunities.

Adjunct Professor, University of San Francisco, 2000 ““ 2002

Originated and presented Emerging Technology for Public Managers curriculum in the Master’s of Public Administration program to improve innovation at all professional levels, while working closely with USF administrators in exceeding their expectations.

Business Development, Oakland and San Francisco, CA  2000 ““ 2002

Worked as a private sector executive in developing applications to improve public access to government.  Responsible for General Management role including budget preparation and profit and loss accountability; reduced costs and exceeded projections. Launched a successful private start-up, functioning as president and CEO in the creation of successful “Best of Web” payment and public service registration portals for a major high-level set of government agencies.

City of Oakland  Oakland, CA 1985 ““ 2000

Manager Information Technology,

Managed significant budgets in leadership role producing organization wide customer service technology improvements for a workforce of over 5,000 individuals. Responded to senior management goals by designing and implementing applications and programs for business attraction, crime reduction, and economic and community development. Assisted Jerry Brown (then mayor of Oakland and now again governor of California) in achieving his goals, through the development of innovative technologies. Frank found Jerry Brown to be a very hands-on and courageously engaged public servant, with a keen eye toward innovative actions.

Operations Manager,

Directed Community and Economic Development service enhancements to speed public access to needed services. Produced and managed innovative applications, including the first interactive database-driven mapping application on the Internet. His “Best of Web” app improved service delivery and encouraged community coalitions to take control of their neighborhood issues, most particularly crime related activities. Frank worked with top elected and appointed officials as well as boards and commissions to improve living conditions for challenged and underprivileged individuals.

Administrative Services Manager II,

Created and launched innovative Internet-based regulation review process for $200 million public works project to speed the return of the Raiders from L.A. to a new football arena, under Frank’s permit compliance guidance highlighted by never-been-done-before process expedition. Coordinated work between public utilities, private business, and the general public. Introduced new financial practices expediting service delivery.

Supervising Building Inspector,  

Supervised inspections for largest public facilities in the aftermath of a disastrous earthquake and facilitated recovery work through the creation of the first computer network focused on the rebuilding destroyed structures. Coordinated the development and management of a one-stop center where all relevant public and private sector services were represented and synchronized in response to a catastrophic fire storm consuming 3,000 properties; again, with new apps developed to assist in speeding rebuilding activity. Launched first online permitting process to assist property owners to quickly rebuild collapsed structures without the need to visit City Hall. Began the development of GIS mapping applications that later led to the launching of the first interactive mapping application every developed and deployed on the Internet, serving as the launch of many mapping apps, now led by Google’s amazing data-driven mapping resources.


Bachelor of Arts in Management, with honors, Saint Mary’s College of California, 1992


Developed curriculum for the innovative delivery of Emerging Technology coursework in the Master’s Program of the University of San Francisco, 2000 -2002 

Recommendation letters


Disasters Breed Innovation 

The official authorized Internet site for Franklin D. Kliewer. Frank is a consultant, Internet innovator, developer, manager, and teacher.