
Frank Kliewer Career Summary

Delivering projects ahead of schedule, under budget with extra features

Real Estate Development

  •  Success in both commercial and residential real estate for clients, by expediting and initiating the streamlining of government regulations and processes that ultimately control development activities.
  • As a government official, managed massive projects focused on rebuilding and developing urban areas.
  •  Provided guidance to clients in meeting their personal and group real estate investment goals.

Streamlining Government – Improving Customer Service
• Utilized emerging Internet technology to build new government networking capacities and implementations in response to major disasters, such as the Loma Prieta earthquake that damaged over 2,000 urban properties and the Oakland/Berkeley Hills Firestorm that destroyed over 3,000 properties.
• Assisted growth objectives to bring 10,000 new residents to downtown urban core areas.
• Developed new online, map-based, public crime fighting tools and techniques to spur community improvements, while enhancing police, fire and emergency services.

• As a startup president and CEO, built the first payment portal for the City and County of San Francisco to securely receive fees and payments for property and business taxes as well as online building permits.
• Innovations allowed the public to research and buy of a variety of official government documents and certificates for the first time through new protected Internet connections and procedures.

Tech Innovator
• Conceived and developed the first interactive mapping applications on the Internet.
• Created and published Internet based economic development tools for planning and building.
• Developed and delivered several iterations of online applications ranging from community development to emergency response (due to FBI warnings of potential terrorists’ attacks).
• As a private consultant, Frank developed application prototypes to improve connections between organizations, funding groups and field workers, creating prototypes for multi-million-dollar businesses.

IT Manager
• As an Information Technology manager, introduced many cost saving measures while improving the delivery of essential services to the public through the creation of new free access portals to government documents and services.
• Managed data and call centers serving thousands of employees, and public access portals.

University Instructor
• Recruited to teach in the Masters of Public Administration Program of the University of San Francisco,
• Rewrote the Emerging Technology curriculum for new classroom and between class activities online to bring together diverse groups of students in the development of new learning practices.

Frank brings a special personal skill set to his work. Starting in construction as a young man, he quickly created his first contracting company. He then branched out into the real estate industry as a developer and agent.

In 1985, Frank moved to the government side of the Planning and Building permit counter to better learn the practices he had to deal with on a regular basis. Intending to work as a Supervising Building Inspector for only a couple of years, he found himself presented with unending opportunities, as a Manager of Community and Economic Development, to improve government Planning and Building services. Working with the likes of Jerry Brown, Frank was able to create and deliver incredible economic development programs.

With a focus on enhancing customer services, one of Frank’s major innovations was to put the first interactive mapping application on the Internet. His goal was to greatly improve public access to all types of government information, then hidden in protected territorial silos.

Ultimately, Frank’s innovations made a significant difference in how government operates today.  While online mapping has become one of the most popular and frequently used applications on the Internet, it has also become the basis for many government, real estate, and development activities.

This invaluable talent, experience and knowledge of technology and government related requirements, gives Frank’s clients a special resource when dealing with compliance procedures and real estate related opportunities.

Frank’s work ethic is highlighted in the following recommendation from an individual who worked closely with Frank during his government service:  “Frank’s approach to challenges that are presented is clearly based on simply resolving the problem. He is able to orchestrate suggestions from all sources without attempting to take personal ownership. He truly focuses on achieving the best possible outcome for all parties. This is a man with excellent work ethics and integrity.” Bob C.

Click this link for: Frank’s Brief Bio

If you would like to begin a conversation with Frank and a winning team of highly ethical pros, who put you first, start with an email request to: [email protected]

The official authorized Internet site for Franklin D. Kliewer. Frank is a consultant, Internet innovator, developer, manager, and teacher.