Category Archives: Life Lesson


Frank's staff
Frank’s staff

There was an artist in the city of Kouroo who was disposed to strive after perfection. One day it came into his mind to make a staff. Having considered that in an imperfect work, time is an ingredient, but into a perfect work, time does not enter, he said to himself: It shall be perfect in all respects, though I should do nothing else in my life.

Henry David Thoreau


Frank carries a staff with him on some of his walks. It was hardly crafted at all from a fallen branch in our forest sanctuary, being perfect in its natural form. It becomes more perfect all the time as Frank adds a natural patina from his handling of this tree, often admired by others he encounters on his walks.

We are perfect, and getting better all the time.


Life Lesson from Robin Williams Tragedy…

As people try to understand the death of Robin Williams, it is valuable to find a teaching that helps us all deal with many of the same issues in our lives.

This post is about moderation. Without becoming judgmental in any way, it is important to realize that we all must moderate our actions if we are to strike a balance with life’s experiences. Ultimately we can experience joy throughout our lives in such a way that every moment is precious.

It is difficult to consider moderation in our age of exuberance and super sizing. But, Zen teaches us about moderation and taking the middle path. This practice is life saving and ultimately a more joyful experience. Extremes take their toll in causing us pain and suffering in the long run. It is better to enjoy our lives and reduce suffering through wise choices and moderation.

Take a deep breath; then exhale and consider where you are, and wisely take your next best step.



Taking your own life or that of another living being is an extreme act, one of finality. Pain and suffering are part of life, an important element of our existence. As Sakini put it, “Pain makes man think, thought makes man wise, and wisdom makes life endurable.”

We don’t have to face suffering alone or take extreme measures to avoid it. Moderation allows for small adjustments that can overtime reduce suffering to a tolerable level.

Life can be taken in sips of both the joyful and the painful. This is our life to live, we should not throw it away, no matter how hard it may be…it is far too precious to everyone in our world.
Be blessed…bless yourself.