The picture is froman original painting by Frank, titled “Sand Castles and New Horizons” (18″ x 30″ acrylic on wood panel). You can click on the picture for a larger version.
Frank’s two grandchildren, Griffyn and Alyssa posed for the painting when they were still children twelve years ago. Griffyn is now (September 2015) with the United States Air Force and Alyssa is a senior inhigh school.Gracy, their mother, is responsible for teaching the values and principles illustrated in the painting.
The lighthouse is the Old Charleston (Morris Island) lighthousein South Carolina, built in 1876. It is the third tower to occupy that space, the first built in 1767. The poignancy of this fleeting moment of childhood is echoed in the old tower, with its outdated technology and the encroaching sea. And yet it still stands, proud, battered, the stories of lives redeemed written in every brick. It serves as a model for the children learning of its history and following their mother’s instructions to work together and share. This is not an easy lesson to learn and practice daily in our interaction with others, but critical if we are to advance as a civilized world.
May you have peace and joy in the future as you live by the solid values of the past, sharing your good fortune with others.